10132020 Woodstoxx RR Interieur Knokke Annick Vernimmen 082 min
20181127 Woodstoxx Knokke Wortegem Latem nov 2 O18 128 website
Oostkamp photo cafeine be 4
Bert Demasure Decospan Orac Decor06
Bert Demasure WXX Blanketop demo web07
Bert Demasure WXX Blanketop demo web04
20200910 Engels Bouten Huys Sint Martens Latem Annick Vernimmen 015 1200px


Woodstoxx brings the warmth of wood in innovative ways to your home project.

Woodstoxx, initiator of The Hub, stands for in-house production and installation of wooden floors, walls and ceiling coverings, for both indoor and outdoor applications. Woodstoxx tackles each project extremely efficiently, with a focus on quality, craftsmanship and the experiential value of wood. We guide each project from the very beginning: according to budget, choice, functionality and execution. Woodstoxx is first and foremost a custom company. Large or small projects: our company thinks above all in terms of successful projects. We have an extensive collection of different wood species, profiles, selections, colours and finishes. In our experience centres in Ghent, Menen and Antwerp, everyone is welcome to discover the Woodstoxx Experience. Come and discover, feel, see and smell it for yourself. Be welcome and get inspired!


10132020 Woodstoxx RR Interieur Knokke Annick Vernimmen 059 min
Bert Demasure Decospan Orac Decor10
Oostkamp photo cafeine be 3
20200910 Engels Bouten Huys Sint Martens Latem Annick Vernimmen 374 smaller 1200px
Woodstoxx photo cafeine be 9637 min
Bert Demasure Woodstoxx Padouk Knokke web09

Hogeweg 245, 8930 Menen
